CHEERS: The First Day Of The Next Chapter

Today I celebrate leaving my job to pursue a path that allows me to bridge my passions for design and motorcycles. It has taken a couple of years to really nail down, but now I know what the end goal is. Leaving the design studio was the first step to free up daylight hours. New Years resolution achieved.  
Three years ago this all started for me with the CX500 and a domain name. Back then I would have considered this job change a "leap of faith," but the motorcycle community has been so welcoming that I feel more comfortable than ever. Hopefully, this year will see the launch of the new company I've been working out with a focus on aesthetically industrial items - from motorcycles and parts to decor and artwork. The aim is to blend my love for mechanical and artistic expression into one sole venture. I'm also planning on throwing a kick off party at the new shop space in Chicago this season. I'll reveal all the details as I nail it down, but you all are welcome. 
Thanks to everyone that's been following, reaching out, collaborating and supporting all of this for the past 3 years. I finally feel like I'm in the right place.