MERCH: Vintage Connections Motorcycle Rewiring Kit

Motorcycle Rewiring Kits

Kits $25 and up.

I'll be rewiring the SR250 project soon, so I asked around the forums about getting the connectors, tools and misc. I'll need for the job. Most people directed me to a site called Vintage Connections. They specialize in everything you'll need to rewire your vintage bike, including connector kits like the one pictured below.

I picked up the single bike connection kit, "CK-1." They sell many kits with all kinds of connectors, plugs, and crimping tools. This one specializes in bullet and blade connectors and sheaths. It's a great place to pick up everything you'll need for the job, all in one box (aside of wiring.) I should also mention that I had shipping info on the kit 45 minutes after I purchased it!

I can say the parts and tools are top notch as well. No junk here. The crimper is one heavy duty beast. I'll be keeping mine by my bedside to ward off intruders with the thought of crimped toe nails and genitals. Don't picture it.