TRAVEL: A Weekend in LA

I've often wondered how a meteorologist applies for an open position. In the design world, you have your standard resume and cover letter, but your main body of work can't be visualized in a Word document - thus the portfolio is your key selling tool. If you're choosing a meteorologist to hire, you want someone who is accurate, consistent... someone who can make predictions within a certain tolerance of correctness. Is then the main selling tool of a meteorologist a stat sheet of their precision? A batting average if you will. Would it be most effective to have your own trading cards to pass around the board room, complete with statistics and weather pattern strong suits as opposed to business cards?

No. The answer is no, because clearly they are only hired based on their ability to finely polish the turds of information that plop out of their mouths.

Here's a list of activities we accomplished while it "rained for 4 days straight" in LA this weekend.

Rented a 2012 Triumph Bonneville SE from Racy Rentals. I'd highly recommend them.

Angeles Crest

Ian and his storm trooper Speed 4.

Mulholland Drive's infamous "Snake."

Deus' new Venice Beach location - a complete sensory onslaught.

Venice Beach Canals

Quick stop along the PCH

And for all the meteorologists who follow this blog:

45min through the pouring rain on the 110. Drenched to the core but still had a good time.
1 out of 4 still means you're batting .250