A NEW LEAF: More Original Content On The Way

I finally picked up a big boy camera this weekend. It's just a Nikon D40, but given my complete lack of photog skills, it should keep me quite perplexed for a while.

With the acquisition of the new camera, and the SR250 project kicking off, this means I'll be hosting a lot more original content. Though, I'd like to still keep this space as a sort of tack board of inspiration. I've also moved into a new, more outfitted, garage space. On top of all that, I'm also taking fabrication classes now. It's something I've been wanting to properly learn for a while now, and I plan on doing 100% of the fabrication on the SR myself this time around.

Here are a few more "before" shots, taken this weekend, with the new camera, in the new garage alley, on the new SR250. 

Kara is quite happy with her purchase, and very eager to start the ideation process on what her bike could possibly look like. I plan on starting to thumbnail ideas this week.