ACQUIRED: 1981 SR250

I'm excited to announce that we made an addition to the garage this weekend. Friday evening we picked up what will be the new upcoming project: a 1981 Yamaha SR250. 

Over the past few months I have been heavily influencing (unless her parents ask) my girlfriend Kara to pick up a bike of her own. This way we'll be able to go on trips together without losing feeling in my wrists.

You'll notice there's a new tab at the top for this build. Click on that at any time to get caught up with Project SR and anything related that you might have missed.

Planning for the build has already started, and we're aiming to have her completed over the winter months. I not only have a day job, but will be taking fabrication classes this semester, so time will be crunched. Luckily I can now merge "GF hang out time" with "Garage time."

Two birds.